Radio was a solution to the problem encountered in the 1890s. That problem being wired communication. Wired communication was a problem because of its limitations. Wired communications needed a large amount of bulky wires across vast distances to transmit messages. While they could transmit messages instantly, they were hard to set up and maintain. The invention of radio allowed for instant communication with less work. Wired communications were also an incredibly big liability for armies during wartime. This is because the enemy could either tap the wires to hear exactly what you were communicating, or cut the wire completely disabling communication with the front lines. Radio was the solution to all of these problems, but also came with new problems. Radio allowed people to communicate across vast distances instantaneously, and with much less effort. It cannot be understated how decisive this was for popular culture. The word radio is derived from the latin word radius, and it means “bear of light ray”. This is exactly what radio is. Radio is beams of invisible light with wavelengths large enough to pass through solid objects. Radio changed cultures around the world. People could feel more connected to their country as a whole rather than their region. Electromagnetic waves were originally predicted by the scientist James Clerk Maxwell in his theory of electromagnetism. Guglielmo Marconi
was the brilliant scientist to recognize the connection between wireless communication and electromagnetism. He developed the first radio communication system in 1895. He used a spark-gap transmitter to send morse code to a receiver. Radio was a central part of culture until the first television was invented in 1927. Radio is still used today in applications such as radio controlled vehicles. Radio is even used in everyday items such as garage door openers, and keyless entry systems. The existence of radio waves specifically was discovered by Heinrich Hertz on November 11 1886. The first transatlantic signal was sent the 12th of December 1901. Suddenly Europe and America could communicate wirelessly, and instantly without too much hassle. This made the world just that bit smaller. Radio also led to the creation of negatives such as an increase in propaganda to influence public sentiment, and even enemy morale during wartime. Radio could still be tapped into just like wired communications. Politicians used radio in their campaigns to spread their message. Those politicians that did not use the radio were left behind in the pages of history. Mass culture was suddenly not limited to the printing press, and daily news could be broadcast in a matter of minutes. Before the invention of radio you would have to wait until the next day to hear about the events of today. Countries could have more of a cultural identity now that the marketplace of ideas was expanded. These cultural identities could be spread through popular programs, music, and news. The invention of radio was later used in the automotive industry to add more excitement to boring car rides. Radio is what is used in drive in movie theatres to bring the sound into your car.
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