Sunday, November 3, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression

 In the United States of America we hold dear the freedom of speech. It is the first amendment of the constitution, and a very important amendment. This amendment lays the groundwork for the type of civilization the founding fathers wanted the United States to become.

Hundreds of years later we have forgotten how important this amendment is to our way of life. The government has attacked this amendment by censoring individuals for their opinions, and in some cases preventing scientists from suggesting new treatments potentially ending lives that didn’t have to end. Freedom of speech is how the government is kept in check by ordinary everyday citizens, and we must do everything in our power to ensure we keep this amendment. The day that we no longer have freedom to speak our minds is the day our government becomes tyrannical, our civilization dystopian, and the last bastion of freedom crushed. It is very critical therefore to educate fellow citizens on the importance of the first amendment lest a doomsday fall upon us. We must remember the 8 values of free expression. These are the reasons why we have freedom of speech. The first value is the
marketplace of ideas. This value states that we must have an open marketplace for all ideas. If we have such a marketplace the truth will overcome the lies, and become stronger because of it. When the truth is faced with a lie it becomes stronger having been tested, and shown to be true. Thus by having an open market of ideas we can create a society of strong truths.

The second value is
participation in self government. This is the act of knowing the truth about politicians by the way they talk, and present themselves. If politicians are not restricted in what they say, then we can get a better view of who they are. We can then make more informed decisions when the government doesn’t restrict our information. The third value is stable change. The first way to prevent violence is to let people vent their frustrations. When the government doesn’t let angry citizens express themselves is only bottling up the societal pressure, and hoping it doesn’t one day burst. When there is freedom of speech we can have stable change, and not violent insurrections. It is therefore in the government's own best interest to let people vent their frustrations. The fourth value is individual self fulfillment. This is the value of letting people express themselves to find like minded peers to build groups with. The fifth value is the check on governmental power. This is very important to do because the government has all of the power in society, and so much so that they can take away your life. If the citizens are not keeping the government in check it will become a tyrannical establishment of evil. We must have the freedom to report on governmental wrongdoings, and the right to vote for change. The sixth value is to promote tolerance. This value rests on the idea that a society with freedom of speech will end up more tolerant. When people are faced more with ideas that challenge their ideas they become more tolerant of the opposing ideas. The seventh value is to promote innovation. By allowing ideas to flow freely we can create a more active society. By not censoring ideas we can promote good ideas, and collaborate to create new inventions or let talented inventors do their work. The eighth value is protecting dissent. We do not live by mob rule, and we must be allowed to criticize the government. The value which resonates most with me is the marketplace of ideas. I also see it in place today.

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